Participate in a Ministry of the Church
We suggest new members join a ministry, which allows you an opportunity to serve the Lord by serving others. This is also a good way to get to know current members. Contact the church office @ 773.643.9688 to get in contact with the leader of the ministry you’re interested in.
Acts of Faith – Ann Daniels Wormack
Acts of Faith is Action, Connected to Spiritually, Faith Forming Alliance Transforming Health.
Involves a partnership between faith institutions and health organizations to accomplish its mission.
Communion Board – Deacon Marsha Alexander Lawson
This board facilitates the preparation of monthly communion services and provides assistance with baptism services.
Deacon Board – Deacon Marsha Alexander Lawson and Pastor Cynthia Thomas
The deacons receive ongoing training and assist all ministerial functions of the church.
Door of Hope – Rev. Mario Jenkins
The Door of Hope Men’s shelter is an outreach ministry. The focus of outreach ministry provides ministering to the spiritual, emotional, mental and physical needs of men who are homeless and in need of salvation.
Focus on Giving – Vanessa Weatherly and Brunetta Williams
Finding and meeting a need through freely giving of time, money, prayer, and other resources is the Christian Stewardship mission of the Focus of Giving group. The hallmark of this group is love, warm cooperation, and fellowship. “If we can help somebody as we travel along, then our living shall not be in vain.”
Junior Usher’s – Monica Smith and Deacon George Hillman
The Junior Usher’s strives to serve God and his people as doorkeepers in the house of God. This ministry teaches our youth to be faithful to the call, ready and willing to serve, accept the responsibility, and able to carry out this calling through service to God and his people.
Music and Performing Arts – Min. Marvis Ivy
The ultimate purpose of our music is to uplift our Lord and Savior through praise. Praising through song, we will exalt in the service of the Lord. We uplift and encourage the down trodden, improve the spirit of the worship service and enhance the message bought to the congregation by our pastors or ministers. The Music Department provides an outlet for all musicians to exercise their gifts and talents. Langley’s Music Department and musicians include Praise Team, Adult Choir, Musicians, Young Adult Chorale and Praise dancers.
Nursing Center Outreach – Deacon Doris Bedney
This ministry makes monthly visits to centers and provides encouragement to residents by holding brief worship services and providing fresh fruit.
Intercessory Prayer – Penny Pearson
Lord, teach us to pray. Luke 11:1 (NIV)
Provide tools for mobilizing the Langley Ave. Church of God to pray, empower the prayer life of the church: pray for the vision, direction and the total prayer life of the church.
Men’s Group – Rev. Mario Jenkins
Gentleman’s group finds its purpose in the text of scripture “Am I my brother’s keeper?” found in Genesis 4-9. We believe that we are our brother’s keeper; therefore, we endeavor to help men to be the men that God created them to be by building disciples, equipping them for service and mobilizing them to engage the world and reconcile other men to God.
Mission Workers – Ronald Ivy
These workers prepare and serve pre-past meals to families in bereavement on funeral service days.
New Converts and New Members class – Rev. Evelyn Tolliver, Rev. Mario and Min. Michelle Jenkins
In this class, we endeavor to support and encourage our new brothers and sisters in the Lord through doctrinal teaching and practical Christian living.
Nurses Guild – Ann Daniels Wormack
This group is under the leadership of a registered nurse and provides health education for obtaining and maintain optimal levels of good health.
Project Care – Chaundrea Jenkins
For many years, this food pantry service has shown love to community persons in need by providing food. Food is distributed one day a month from the side door of the church.
Special Events Committee – Eva James Yeo and Dr. Deborah Barnes
The mission of Special Events Committee is to show emotional support and appreciation to the pastor on behalf of the other congregants. On occasion, the committee may host a celebratory service for the pastor and her family. The committee recognizes occasions such as anniversaries, birthdays and Mother’s Day.
Sunday School – Patricia Payne
The mission of Sunday School is to teach and equip men, women, young adults, teens and children with God’s Word through Bible study lessons and activities. Understanding and applying the Word of God through scripture is used for daily living.
Tech/AV Team – Dr. Joel Parks & Rev. Mario Jenkins
This team uses audio-visual technology to enhance the worship experience by ensuring clear sound and visuals during services, including sermons, music, and presentations, effectively communicating the message to the congregation, online and in-person, through the use of microphones, sound systems, video projection, and lighting, ultimately aiming to create an engaging and impactful worship environment.
Usher Board – Deacon Nathelda McGee and Deacon George Hillman
The Usher Board strives to serve God and his people as doorkeepers in the house of God. Ushers grasp the meaning of Christ’s words “He that is greater among you shall be your servant,” in all matters pertaining to the advancement of the Kingdom of God among men. This ministry requires faithful responsibility and willingness for service to God and his people.
Vacation Bible School –Deacon Mildred “Toni” Hillman
This exciting week at the end of June always follow a practical-applied biblical theme which includes crafts, snacks and lots of fun. Ages are PreK – High School.
Visitation Team – Dr. Ouida Oliphant
This ministry provides prayer and encouragement by visiting those who are hospitalized and the sick and shut in.
Women’s Ministry – Dr. Christina Stringfellow
The Langley Women’s Ministry is dedicated to the expansion of the Gospel, the extent of the church, and the energizing of women. Our involvement includes the spiritual enhancement of women, supporting worthy causes and missions, women’s issues and empowerment, and outreach ministries.
Young Men – Rev. Mario Jenkins
This ministry provides special times for teen males to learn how to live successful Christian lives, while dealing with relevant issues and challenges.
Youth – Min. Micole Jenkins
The Langley Avenue Youth department teaches and strengthens our youth to win souls for the cause of Christ and to change the world through the power and the love of God. Youth activities include music and dance ministry, learning biblical stories and scripture and much more.