Weekly Virtual Worship Service and Announcements – January 12, 2025
Welcome to the Langley Avenue Church of God Website!
Our Virtual Worship Service will begin at 11:00 AM. (CDT).
You can view the livestream service on our website, Facebook, or YouTube Channel.
2025 Theme: Seeing His Glory! “And we beheld His glory…full of grace & truth.” John 1:14
Langley’s In-Person Worship Services
You are welcome to visit and worship with us in-person. Invite your friends and family. Masks are optional. If you are ill please be mindful of others and remain home.
Langley 40-Day Season of Fasting and Praying
January 6-February 14, 2025
Please make every effort to join a prayer-line call once each week during this time.
We are joining together to hear from the Lord concerning:
- Unsaved loved ones
- Our church upgrades projects
- Physical healing for Langley members and their families
- Provisions for Langley members (jobs, homes, finances)
- Needs of those in our church community
- Victory for unresolved legal issues
- Our nation’s challenges and the world turmoil
Do You Need Prayer?
Join Langley’s Prayer Line…The Langley Prayer Line is staffed by Langley Avenue COG ministers and prayer team members. Call in with prayer requests, to connect, to pray together and for any other needs. Let us shelter under the mighty wings of God.
Note the available day and time for prayer:
Monday prayer 6:15 AM – 6:45 AM and 12:15 PM – 12:45 PM
Wednesday prayer 6:15 AM – 6:45 AM and 11:15 PM -12 Noon
Friday prayer 6:15 AM – 6:45 AM
Langley’s Prayer Line:
Access code: 471-150-100#
Ways to Give
Postal Mail– Langley Avenue Church of God, 710 E. 62nd St., Chicago, IL 60637
Zelle – langleycog@att.net
A New Mindset for the New Year*
What are you asking God to do in your life in the coming year? I’m sure there are many possible answers to this question. But let me suggest that one of the most important things you need from God is a new mind. How? Click here.
Your Mindset Matters: Unlocking God’s Promises**
Have you ever wondered if something is holding you back from experiencing the promises of God? Click here to read about the promises of God and how to experience them.
General Information:
Free Covid Test. Americans can once again order free at-home COVID.gov/tests from the federal government ahead of the upcoming respiratory virus season. Four tests will be shipped free by USPS, starting September 30.
Four New Members have completed the 2024 Fall/Winter New Member Class. They will receive their certificates of completion on Sunday, January 12, 2025. Thank God for their commitment to Him, to service, and to study.
Please complete this form to request your annual Giving Statement. Click the link https://forms.gle/Gdo5HHXuXpDSd4ai6 This form will close Friday, January 17, 2025 at 11pm.
Women’s Ministry: During the Langley Avenue Church of God’s “FORTY DAY FAST,” we are encouraging the following for the “Fast” and during the entire year of 2025. Obtain a “Give It To God” Box from an Usher. The box is filled with blank slips of paper and a pen/pencil.
Write your first name only on 15 or more of the slips of paper. Give your slip(s) to /and receive slip(s) from Langley women before and after service on Sunday, January 6, 2025. Place the slips you receive in your Box. Each day of the Fast, select a name from your Box, say the name and pray for your fellow sister in Christ during the Fast and beyond.
A Year In Review
To view the Langley Avenue Church of God 2024 Year In Review click here.
Today we honor a Woman of Excellence: The Secretary of the National Association of the Church of God (NACOG)! Congratulations to Pastor Cynthia Thomas who is stepping down as the Secretary of the NACOG. Pastor Cynthia has faithfully served as the National Secretary for more than 20 years and Secretary of the General Assembly under three extraordinary presiding elders: Bishop Robert Davis, Dr. Miki Merritt, and Rev. Clifton McDowell. 1 Peter 4:10 says, “Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” Thank you for serving and sharing your gifts with the members of the association. Thank you for the many years of service to the NACOG.
We also acknowledge our Presiding Elder, Rev. Clifton McDowell, who will also step down from the NACOG. As he concludes his tenure as our Presiding Elder, following six years as Vice Presiding Elder and many years as our Leadership Development Officer, he is filled with gratitude for the opportunity to serve this extraordinary national church family. We thank him for his service to our organization.
Congratulations to Austin Parks, who recently graduated from the University of St. Francis with a Bachelors Degree in Nursing. Recently, Austin was the student body speaker at his pinning and graduation ceremony. We are very proud of you! Congratulations on your outstanding achievements!
Save The Date:
Celebrate the birthday of our beloved Pastor Mario Jenkins, Associate Pastor on Sunday, February 2, 2025. More information to come.
National Association Seniors Ministry invite you to a Senior Prayer Gathering – When: Every 3rd Saturday; Time: 6pm CST; How: Dial 605-313-5874 | Access Code: 738066#; We invite special speakers to participate each month. Join us!
National Association of the Church of God (NACOG) MidYear Retreat 2025; When: March 4-6, 2025; Where: Charlotte, NC; Register
National Association of the Church of God 2025 Camp Meeting will take place July 27 – August 3, 2025 on Zion’s Hill in West Middlesex, PA.
National Association News:
A Call to Prayer every Sunday morning for our local youth ministry and the leadership and direction of the National Inspirational Youth Convention (NIYC). View the Presiding Elder Clifton McDowell’s appeal to pray for NIYC as they plan for the next convention in 2025. Get involved and participate as we live out Psalms 78:4 and Joel 1.
NIYC’s call to action asks that you 1. stay connected, 2. pray and 3. share your suggestions and comments at niyc.org/contact as they plan for the 2025 Convention. This is the time to share your innovative thoughts. Think Big!
Langley Members
National Association of the Church of God (NACOG)
*A New Mindset for the New Year
**Your Mindset Matters: Unlocking God’s Promises
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